In this article I'm going to write about two important inventions that have contributed most to our lives. There have been a lot of important inventions through the history, but from my point of view, the most important inventions are the light bulb and the car. I think, that everybody knows what the wheel and the alphabet are.
The alphabet
From my point of view,the alphabet is one of the most important inventions in history . It seems like a bullshit, as nowadays everybody knows what the alphabet and the components of the alphabet are, but if we start thinking, a long time ago, very few people could write, and if nobody had invented the alphabet, nobody would know how to write. Also, thanks to the alphabet we can do different things such as write books, magazines, articles... People say that the alphabet was invented in Syria and Palestine in 1700 before Christ, so it seems difficult to believe how it has been transmitted from generation to generation.
First, a long time ago, when people started writing, they wrote on top of stones. Then, some years later, the Egyptians invented the "papyrus", then it came the "parchment" and then the printing that was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450, the paper has been evolving during lots of years, until nowadays. The history of paper is related with the alphabet because, without the alphabet, we couldn't write, and if we couldn't write, we wouldn't need any paper.
The wheel
In my opinion, another important invention in history is the wheel. The wheel is a very important thing for me because nowadays, everybody uses it, for cars, or bicycles or also some people use it for swings. The most important use of the wheel is to use it in cars, because without the wheel, the car wouldn't go, so we couldn't move to other places.
The wheel was invented in the bronze Age by the neolithic people. The first function of the will was "the potter wheel". Then, they invented the cart and they used it there. Like in the cart, they used it in cars, bicycles...
The first wheel was a simple wood wheel, but then they invented a wheel with some radios, and because of that they could invent faster vehicles. After this type of wheel, they invented a wheel with a stronger wood and with some brass rings until the wheel that we have nowadays. Thanks to the wheel, people could carry a lots of things, so then the work was much easier. Nowadays, thanks to the wheel, we can move very easily through our city or through one country.
As a conclusion, for me these are the most important inventions in history, because without these inventions, we couldn't move or we couldn't write. Also, there are a lot of more interesting and important inventions,such as Internet, television, music... but if I have chosen these two is because they are more useful than those other inventions. What is your opinion about it? Leave a comment.
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